From the smallest loader to the largest draglines and excavators, you can depend on Kidde Fire Systems for your fire protection needs
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Mining, both surface and underground, is a complex industry with significant fire protection challenges. Large and expensive off-road vehicles and heavy processing equipment are often run around the clock in harsh environments and remote locations. Kidde Fire Systems offers a complete range of products to protect your mining operation from any type of fire hazard, including electrical, hydrocarbon and debris. Our systems protect all types of equipment and locations, from shovels and loaders to conveyors to computerized control rooms.
- Draglines |
- Conveyers |
- Dozers |
- Drills |
- Electrical Rooms |
- Excavators |
- MCC Rooms |
- Graders |
- Loaders |
- Shovels |
- Trucks/Haulers |
See how Kidde Fire Systems products can protect your application. The links below will take you to detailed product information on our fire protection solutions that are recommended for this industry.