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WHDR™ Kitchen Fire Suppression System

The WHDR™ Kitchen Fire Suppression System is specifically designed for the challenging demands of Commercial Cooking Applications offering automatic 24-hour protection.

Our cost effective, pre-engineered fire protection solution offers one of the most flexible system configurations in the industry. Our customized approach allows you to specify the type of detection, control, and cylinder sizes to best fit your application. The WHDR™ system offers comprehensive coverage making it suitable for a wide range of applications including hotels, food courts, food trucks, marine galleys, fine dining restaurants and fast-food establishments.


Available in two customizable configuration options:

1. APPLIANCE SPECIFIC DESIGN with nozzles aimed at a particular hazard area providing a low-cost      solution.

                                                           2. PREMIUM OVERLAPPING PROTECTION where nozzles overlap to provide a continuous coverage                                                                  area for a group of appliances. Offering simplicity & adaptability as appliance needs evolve.


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